Lunes, Pebrero 10, 2014


Ginger or ginger root is one of the herbal medicines plant.
Ginger produces clusters of white and pink flower buds that bloom into yellow flowers. 

Luyang dilaw or ginger is an erect, smooth plant with thickened and aromatic rootstocks. Luya or ginger has Leafy stems that are 0.4 to 1 meter high. Ginger Leaves are distichous, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 15-25 cm long, and 2 cm wide or less. Luya scape from rootstock is erect, 15-25 cm high, covered with imbricate bracts. Corolla is greenish-yellow with a tube less than 2 cm long .

The taste of luyang dilaw or ginger is distinct, brought about by the zingerone and shogoal substances that it has, giving the plant its pungent properties. As herbal medicine, Luyang Dilaw has long been used as a cold, cough, fever, and sore throat remedy. 

The Luya Benefits are:
Luya or ginger has been used as herbal medicine in many cultures for hundreds of years, Luya or ginger is claimed to have many medicinal value, from antibacterial, anti- inflamatory to anti nausea and treatment of sore throat. Luya or ginger is popularly used for sore throat prevention and treatment. Luya is also widely used as herbal medicine to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness.
 Luya is safe to use in pregnancy, and also being used for treatment of nausea associated in cancer chemotherapy. Luya or ginger is also used as support against inflamatory. Luya or ginger is also used as digestive aid for mild stomach upset, to lower cholesterol level, anti viral and anti bacterial properties and for the treatment of cancer.
Luya - Vomiting, Motion sickness, nausea, Luya or Ginger's has been known and used widely for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting associated in motion sickness. chemotheraphy, morning sickness and has been known to be safe even for pregnant women and children.
Luya - Anti infectious: Antibacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic. Luya or Ginger's effects against infection have also been confirmed by laboratory science to kill cold viruses at a concentration of less than one part per million. Ginger contains a chemical called zingibain that kills and dissolves parasites and their eggs.
LUya - Cholesterol control, Heart Disease: Luya or Ginger has shown to inhibit cholesterol production in the liver. Studies suggest ingestion of Luya or Ginger has beneficial effect to decrease the activity of platelet-activating factor (PAF), PAF causes platelets to aggregate (clotting) and blood vessels to dilate. With decreased PAF, blood clotting is likewise reduced which is a cause of stroke or heart attack.

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